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Drusilla  Poole  Col.,  ANC,  received  her  B.A. 
degree  in  social  work  from  Scarritt  College  in 
1942;  M.N.  from  Yale  University  in  1947; 
Ph.D.  from  The  University  of  Texas  in  1969. 
While  a  student  at  Yale  she  also  attended  the 
language  school,  and  upon  graduation  was 
asked  to  serve  as  Instructor  and  Director  of 
Nursing,  Hiang-Ya  Hospital,  Changsha,  Hunan, 
China.  After  returning  to  the  U.S.A.  and  working 
as  a  civilian,  she  entered  the  Army  Nurse 

While  on  active  duty  Col.  Poole  has 
distinguished  herself  through  a  variety  of 
clinical  and  administrative  assignments;  Director 
Department  of  Nursing  Science,  MFSS,  and 
Director,  WRAIN.  She  has  also  been  active  in 
civic  and  professional  organizations.  In 
recognition  of  her  achievements  Col.  Poole 
was  honored  as  the  "Outstanding  Army  Nurse 
Corps  Officer  of  1973." 

On  the  occasion  of  your  planned  retirement, 
we  salute  you.  Col.  Poole,  and  extend  to  you 
our  best  wishes. 

Yale  University 

Hsiang-Ya  Hospital 
China,  1948-50 

Graduating  Class 
Hsiang-Ya  Hospital 

"You  give  but  little  when  you  give  of 

your  possessions.  It  is  when  you  give 

of  yourself  that  you  truly  give. 


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DAR  Award  —  1973 

"The  teacher  who  walks  in  the  shadow  of  the  temple 
among  his  followers,  gives  not  of  his  wisdom  but 
rather  of  his  faith  and  his  lovingness. 

Copyright  1923,  Renewal  copyright  1951    by  Administrators  C.T.A.  of 
Kahlil  Gibran  Estate,  and  Mary  G    Gibran.  Reprinted  by  permission  of 
A.  Knopf,  Inc. 


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University  of  Maryland 
School  of  Nursing 
Baltinnore  Cannpus 

Dr.  Wilson  H.  Elkins 

President,  University  of  Maryland 

Dr.  Albin  0.  Kuhn 

Chancellor,  University  of  Maryland, 
Baltimore  Campus 

Dr.  Marion  I.  Murphy 

Dean,  School  of  Nursing 

Administrations:  Baltimore 

Dr.  Daryl  Stewart 

Mrs.  Barbara  Spivack 

Dr.  Elizabeth  Hughes 

Director,  Senior  Curriculum 

Miss  Elise  Michael 

Director,  Junior  Curriculum 



COL  Drusilla  Poole  ANC 


LTC  Marian  C.  Barbieri  ANC 

Deputy  Director 

LTC  Norma  Small 

Senior  Cluster  Coordinator 

LTC  Hannah  Moynahan 

Junior  Cluster  Coordinator 









MAJ  Clara  Adams 

Educational  Coordinator 

MAJ  John  Skelton 


PFC  Sandy  Duffet 

1  SG  Fannie  Gray 


who  help 

CPT  Ervin  Norgren 

Sgt  Enid  Lapage 





Mr.  Antonio  Valerio 

SP5  Joseph  Ogo 




Mr.  Billy  L.  Johnson 

Mr.  J.  W.  Jackson 

Mr.  John  T.  Williams 

Audio  Visual 


Mrs.  Mazzone 

Mrs.  Jordan 


Mrs.  McGovern 


Miss  Gist 

Mrs.  Griffin 


Miss  Robinson,  Mrs.  Brown,  Mrs.  Estill 


Mrs.  Roberta  Rankin 

Mrs.  Pansy  Clark 

Mrs.  Mary  Railey 



Mrs.  Mary  Meighen 


Mrs.  Florence  Ames 

i  ^^^Fj 



1  TT'^ 


B— —lii^ 









Mrs.  Virginia  Guiteras  Mrs.  Dorothy  Hastings  Miss  Gwendolyn  Brown 


Faculty  —  Resource 

•     • 

Dr.  Betty  Ruano 
Department  Chairman 




LTC  Joyce  J.  Nurse 
Assistant  to  Chairman 

MAJ  Ann  N.  Ashjian 

CPT  Caroline  Brodkey 

LTC  Ellen  M.  Berg 

Mrs.  Ellen  Doctor 



Or  Demand? 

MAJ  Merlan  0.  Ellis 


MAJ  Anna  K.  Frederico 

MAJ  Eileen  L.  Fox 

CRT  Glenn  B.  Knepper 



Dr.  Mary  Neal 
Department  Chairman 

CPT  Elizabeth  M.  McGowan 
Assistant  to  Chairman 

MAJ  Betty  Brice 

Not  Pictured  — 

CPT  Elizabeth  A.  Martin 

CPT  Rosamond  P.  Shepard  LTC  Eleanor  J.  Streett  Mrs.  Donna  Wilsker 


LTC  Hannah  S.  Moynahan 
Assistant  to  Chairman 

LTC  Sarah  A.  Balkema 

MAJ  Marsha  H.  Cohen  MAJ  Jean  M.  Johnson 

Ready  .  .  .  Aim  .  .  .  Fire! 

CPT  Janet  S.  Rexrode  CPT  Margaret  Wilson 

Not  Pictured  — 

MAJ  Eugenia  A,  Vineys 





Dr.  Ann  Madison 
Department  Chairman 

LTC  Francis  A.  Hiers 
Assistant  to  Chairman 

".    .    .   and   no   more   meals.   You're   getting   enough 
between  meals." 

CPT  Vonna  J.  Carroll  MAJ  Laura  J.  Coggin 


Not  pictured: 

MAJ  Donna  H.  Ewing 

MAJ  Kathleen  Devin 

CPT  Barbara  L.  Lust 

CPT  Linda  L.  Rape 

CPT  Faith  E.  Sterling 

MAJ  Richard  H.  Evert 

LTC  Betty  J.  Lynch 

CPT  Elizabeth  Ryan 

MAJ  Lila  C.  Stevens 

MAJ  Charlotte  Jerney  CPT  Joseph  P.  Maloney 

LTC  Norma  R.  Small 

MAJ  Marilyn  J.  Sylvester 



CPT  Charles  E.  Douglas 
Assistant  to  Chairman 

MAJ  Betty  J.  Antilla 

CPT  Mary  A.  Bailey 

MAJ  Corrine  Burnett 

MAJ  Felicitus  E.  Ferington 

Mrs.  Myra  Fisher 

LTC  John  H.  Karwoski 

MAJ  Joyce  G.  Johnson 

CPT  Paul  C.  Learmann  MAJ  Lawrence  Washington 



MAJ  James  Vick 

CPT  Bertram  A,  Nicholas 

Not  Pictured  — 

CPT  Jurgen  VonBredow 


LTC  Eleanor  J.  Strayer 
1  LT  Jesse  Majkowski 

Dr.  Matthew  R.  Tayback  — 


Dr.  Robert  Ashmore  — 

Human  Development 

Not  Pictured  — 

Dr.  Cletus  R.  Brady  —  Social  Problems 
Mrs.   Miriam  Rothchild  —  Nursing  Research 

"Human"  Side  of  a  Uniform  .  .  .? 

It?  jII^^ 


And  with  a  little  help  from  our  friends! 




MAJ  Betty  Brice  —  Advisor;  Jane  Rpeger  —  Vice  President;  Carolyn  Sanger  —  SGO  Social  Chmn.;  Mary  Kay 
Kramer  —  Treasurer;  Jim  Parham  —  President;  Gail  Velguth  —  Social  Chmn.;  Mary  Ann  Averell  —  SGO  Secre- 
tary; Karen  Lorbert  —  Secretary;  Jacki  Mettey  —  Unit  Fund  Representative 



Mardi  Bartholdt 
Robin  Bechtel 
Rita  Behlen 

Susan  Beatty 
Deboraii  Bechtold 
Debra  Bernard 

Joanne  Ade 
IVlary  Anderson 
Kathleen  Baehr 

Jonnie  Allen 
Vicki  Anderson 
Deborah  Bannister 

Estelita  Almachar 
Maryanne  Averell 
Cecilia  Bartel 


Jenny  Bernard  Kathryn  Bird 

Steve  Booker 

Karen  Boyle 

Shirley  Bratrud  Marsha  Brock 

Deborah  Brown 

Diane  Brown  Elizabeth  Brown  Rebecca  Burchfield  Kathryn  Burg 

Kathryn  Burns 

Paula  Butler 

Kerry  Byers 

Jan  Carlson 

Linda  Chancey  Cynthia  Cveibar 

Jean  Dailey 

Margaret  Dapra  Linda  Dawson 

Leslie  Dempsey  Lynette  Dickey  Gretchen  Dickrel 

W  I  I 

Barbara  Eller 

Mary  J.  Evans 

Rosalie  Ewing  Gayle  Fletcher 

,    Ji.t. 
Kathleen  France  Karen  Fred 

Carolyn  Fritz 

Denice  Gambill  Linda  George 

Regina  Girlando  Margaret  Goeckler  Carolyn  Goucher  Eleanor  Greenwood 

S2  L.  _  _tA 

Arlene  Gross  Debra  Haeder  Kathleen  Hapke  Cynthia  Hawley 

Mary  Jo  Heifers  Eileen  Hill  Rhonda  Hobbs  Margaret  Holsington  Renita  Holland 

Jane  Horvat 

Patricia  Howland  Carol  Humke 

Jan  I  ken 

Paula  Jackan 

Bethanie  Jasper  Nancy  Jerde  Barbara  Johnson  Charlotte  Johnson  Pamela  Key 

Patricia  Kinder  Pamela  Kishaba  Linda  Klein  Keri  Klotzbuecher 

Mary  Kramer  Susan  Kryst 

Deborah  Landis 

Kaureen  Langlie  Brenda  Lansberry  Gayle  Leary 

Brenda  Leiding  Anne  Leisering 

Cecily  Light 

Alyce  Lipps 

Karen  Lorbert 


Marian  Machman 

Patricia  McLean  Linda  McMorris 

Carol  McNeil 

Theresa  Markstrum  Jacki  Mettey 

Robin  Miles 

Patricia  Miller 

Martha  Montie  Bonnie  Moreland  Charlotte  Murison  Mary  Murphy 

Ann  Norton 

Judy  O'Leary 

Patricia  O'Neill 
Jane  Peek 

Linda  Opdycke 
Katherine  Penn 

James  Parham 
Mark  Petersen 

Mary  Pearson 
Helen  Peterson 

Janet  Petroske  Marilyn  Phillips 

Sharon  Ponce 

Karen  Relchel 

Kathleen  Rendos 

Teresa  Rincon  Rosemarie  Ritchie 

Teresa  Robinson       Jane  Roeger 
Rebecca  Rubio         Carolyn  Sanger 
Jeri  Secord  Audrey  Shadd 

Jeanne  Stoepker 

Priscilla  Suess 

Michael  Tucker 

Phyllis  Snyder 
Denise  Vandergriff 

Roberta  Troxell 
Debbie  VanTine 


Gail  Velguth 

Debra  Vilendrer 

Dolores  VIssers 

Kathryn  Whittenberg  Lanell  Woods 

Not  Pictured 

Teresa  Wright 

Teresa  Young 

Kris  Bushouse 
Helen  Dorsey 
Ellen  Dougherty 
Lynne  Kehrii 
Linda  Key 
Alexis  Keyson 
Katherine  Kingsford 
Brands  Lilly 
Mary  Martin 
Chris  Miller 
Marni  Mundt 

Gail  Nelson 
Liisa  Nenonen 
Pat  O'Connor 
Jeanne  Picariello 
Jean  Simmons 
Janie  Trettin 
Juliana  Warner 
Lola  Whaley 
Chris  Whitmire 
Janet  Zdybek 










L.  to  R.  Maureen  Shrewsbury,  Secretary;  Barbara  Zurawski,  Vice-President;  Beth 
Conover,  Social  Co-Chairman;  Pat  Root,  Senior  Senator;  Sarah  Fearn,  President; 
Sandi  Bolt,  Social  Co-Chairman;  and  Carol  Sassaman,  Treasurer. 

Being  a  Senior  is  FUN,  EXHAUSTING,  AND  SCARRY! 
It  means  the  END  of:  term  papers,  handouts,  exams 
and  being  a  WRAIN  student. 
Symbolic  of  the  END  are:  Cap  Stringing,  Convocation, 
Commencement,  and  Commissioning. 
It  means  the  BEGINNING  of:  new  places,  new  people,, 
travel,  and  an  EXCITING  FUTURE. 


Jo-Bette  Akers 
Kythrine  Allen 


Sharon  Andrews 
Mary  Arata 

Kathleen  Balsh 
Barbara  Bala 
Claire  Baldwin 

Joyce  Ball 
Rose  Barnett 
Janice  Benonis 

Marlene  Berlin 
Norma  Beyer 
Jane  Blaase 


Rozanne  Blake 

Phyllis  Brosius 

Sandra  Bolt 

Patsy  Browning 

Patricia  Borup 

Nina  Bryson 

Lorna  Chatmon 
Leslie  Clark 
Diana  Combs 

Elizabeth  Conover 
Karen  Conte 
Christine  Dallenbach 

Mary  Davis 


Barbara  De  Long 

Barbara  Fede 

Kathleen  Deska 

Carolyn  FInt 

Sarah  Fearn 

Patricia  Flanagan 


Madelyn  Foley 
Catherine  Pons 
Susan  Forney 

Richard  Fortune 
IVlarie  Franl<lin 
Rebecca  Gilliam 

Sandra  Goodale 
Karen  Green 
Madonna  Griffey 


Gaynelle  Hancock 

Cheryl  Heath 
Vicky  Hessling 

Wilma  Johnson 
Jo  Ellen  Johnston 
Deborah  Jones 

:;i  'r-M 

Jesse  Lobb 

Maureen  Malone 

Patricia  Lovaas 

Valerie  Marchant 

Martha  Lowry 

Tineresa  Marl<s 


Sarah  Mottley 
Bonnie  Muse 
Patricia  IVIussnug 

Teresa  Pepin 

Lee  Piikanis 

Sandra  Perez 

Candace  Poppas 

Janice  Piccioli 

Barbara  Putz 

Deborah  Rank 
Diane  Rapalas 
Dianne  Reali 

Catherine  Reed 
IVIarylou  Robinson 
Susan  Rogers 

Patricia  Root 
Belle  Rowan 


Carol  Sassaman 
Marcia  Scheider 
Roslyn  Shelton 

Maureen  Shrewsbury 
Ellen  SImmerman 
Catherine  Skldmore 

Kathleen  D.  Smith 
Kathleen  N.  Smith 

William  Spring 
Nancy  Steele 


Susan  Wood 
Bridget  Woodruff 

Christy  Woxland 
Cliristine  Yank 

Kay  Yeager 
Susan  Young 

Not  Pictured 

Peggy  Allen 
Patricia  Burke 
Pearline  Butcher 
Patricia  Clark 
Kathy  Connor 
Kathryn  Forsythe 
Milda  Frederiksen 

Charia  Fryer 
Cindy  Gale 
Diane  Henderson 
Karen  Kuehn 
Louise  Kurdys 
Colleen  Russell 
Patricia  Smith 



AKERS,  Jo-Bette 

c/o  Geo.  B.  Akers 

1847  Fifth  St. 

Manhattan  Beach,  Calif.  90266 

ALLEN,  Kythrine  B. 
c/o  Bryants 
4410  West  Hill  Trail 
Amarillo,  Texas  79106 

ALLEN,  Peggy  A. 
c/o  M.  Max  Allen 
934  Oakwood  Trail 
Indianapolis,  Indiana  46260 

ANDREWS,  Sharon  E. 
c/o  R.  M.  Andrews 
3192  Owen  Hollow  Rd. 
Big  Flats,  N.  Y.  14814 

ARATA,  Mary  M. 
c/o  Dr.  J.  Herrington 
2122  W.  53rd  St. 
Milwaukee,  Wise. 

BAISH,  Kathleen  M. 

c/o  COL  (Ret.)  C.  F.  Baish 

450  Chase  Dr. 

Corpus  Christi,  Texas  7841  2 

BALA,  Barbara  A. 

c/o  F.  Bala 

310  Ruth  Ave. 

Maple  Shade,  N.J.  08052 

BALDWIN,  Claire  E. 
c/o  F.  S.  Baldwin 
4  Briggs  Road 
Cornwall-On-Hudson,  N.Y. 

BALL,  Joyce  E. 
c/o  Mrs.  E.  Barry 
13243  1st  Ave.  So. 
Seattle,  Wash.  98168 

BARNETT,  Rose  H. 
c/o  0.  R.  Harford 
Box  36 
Clarksburg,  Ind.  47225 

BENONIS,  Janice  W. 
c/o  C.  P.  Wilcox 
Apt.  105 

13015  Twinbrook  Pkwy. 
Rockville,  Md.  20851 

c/o  0. 

Bobby  A. 

RR  #1 

Red  Wing,  Minn. 

BERLIN,  Eileen  K. 
c/o  R.  Berlin 
2  W.  2nd  St. 
El  Paso,  III.  61738 

BERLIN,  Marlene  J. 
c/o  R.  Berlin 
2  W.  2nd  St. 
El  Paso,  III.  61738 

BEYER,  Norma  H. 
c/o  Mrs.  G.  P.  Hopkins 
3216  Northgate  Dr. 
Virginia  Beach,  Va.  23452 

BLAASE,  Jane  A. 
c/o  R.  L.  Blaase 
460  E.  Broadway 
Argenta,  III.  62501 

BLAKE,  Rozanne  M. 

c/o  P.  Kirk 

10518  Asterdid 

San  Antonio,  Texas  78217 

BOLT,  Sandra  M. 
c/o  A.  J.  Munoz 
1924  Pinetree  Rd. 
Trenton,  Mich. 

BORUP,  Patricia  A. 
c/o  Mrs.  J.  Borup 
677  G  St.,  Sp.  8 
Chula  Vista,  Calif.  92010 

BROSIUS,  Phyllis  M. 
c/o  R.  Brosius 
550  Church  St. 
Millersburg,  Pa.   17061 

BROWNING,  Patsy  L. 
c/o  I.  L.  Browning 
3816  14th  Ave.  SE 
Largo,  Fla. 

BRYSON,  Nina 
c/o  Dr.  M.  Bryson 
2580  Tierra  Grande 
Carmel  Valley,  Calif.  93921 

BURKE,  Patricia  J. 
c/o  John  Burke 
P.O.  Box  20142 
Orlando,  Fla. 

BUTCHER,  Pearline  M. 
c/o  L.  P.  Butcher 
9332  E.  Canfield 
Detroit,  Mich.  48214 

CAPORALE,  Bernadette 
c/o  L.  Caporale 
13007  Forest  Glen  Rd. 
Woodbridge,  Va.  22191 

CARLSON,  Karoline  L. 

c/o  R.  N;  Carlson 
Box  216 
Kerkhoven,  Minn. 

CARRICO,  Candace  K. 
c/o  LTC  (Ret.)  J.  Kirsch 
9308  Mathis  Ave. 
Manassas,  Va.  221 10 

CARTWRIGHT,  Patricia  R. 
c/o  Cartwrights 
710  Grant  St. 
Canton,  Mo. 

CHATMON,  Lorna  R. 
c/o  Mrs.  M.  Norman 
157-10  Riverside  Drive  W. 
New  York,  New  York 

CLARK,  Leslie  A. 
c/o  W.  Clark 
4455  Dale  Ave. 
La  Mesa,  Calif.  92041 

CLARK,  Patricia  A. 
c/o  H.  Clark 
2132  Quirinal  Ct. 
Fenton,  Mo.  63026 

COMBS,  Diana  J. 

c/o  Mr.  J.  Combs 

3675  Midland  Ave. 

White  Bear  Lake,  Minn.  55110 

CONNOR,  Kathy  A. 
c/o  LCDR  E.  E.  Connor 
1  32  Corsair 
NAS  LeMoore,  Calif. 

CONOVER,  Elizabeth  A. 
c/o  R.  E.  Conover 
401  Slocum  Ave 
Neptune,  N.J.  07753 

CONTE,  Karen  E. 

c/o  A.  L.  Conte 

27186  Pompton  Dr. 

North  Olmsted,  Ohio  44070 


DALLENBACH,  Christine  A, 
c/o  L.  A.  Dallenbach 
133  Outcalt  St. 
Hightstown,  N.  J.  08520 

DAVIS,   Mary  C. 
c/ o  F.  Davis 
Rt.  1,  Box  12 
Wakefield,  Va.  23888 

De  LONG,  Barbara  K. 
c/o  Kirks 
9  Ruth  Dr. 
Wilbraham,  Mass.  01095 

DESKA,  Kathleen  A. 
c/o  E.  Deska 
217  Centennial  Rd. 
Warminsten,  Pa. 

FEARN,  Sarah  L. 

c/o  Cpt.  W.  R.  Fern 

Governors  Island,  N.Y.,  N.Y.   10004 

FEDE,  Barbara  A. 
c/o  S.  A.  Fede 
Springville  Heights  Rd. 
Box  168  B 
Darlington,  S.  C. 

FINT,  Carolyn  H. 
c/o  R.  W.  Hall 
11715  W.  30th  PI. 
Lakewood,  Colo. 

FLANAGAN,  Patricia  H 
c/o  W.  S.  Flanagan 
416  Central  St. 
Saugus,  Mass.  01906 

FLOYD,  Marcia  J. 
c/o  COL  M.  B.  Scheider 
4829  Willet  Dr. 
Annandale,  Va. 

FOLEY,  Madelyn  C. 
c/o  C.  Foley 
219  7th  Ave. 
Shell  Lake,  Wise. 

PONS,  Catherine  A. 
c/o  D.  E.  Pons 
3385  S.   119  St. 
West  Allis,  Wise.  53227 

FORNEY,  Susan  V 
c/o  Forney 
261  6  Laurel 
Waterloo,  Iowa 

FORSYTHE,  Kathryn  M. 
c/o  G.  L.  Forsythe 
4920  S.  Jonathan  La. 
New  Berlin,  Wise.  53151 

FORTUNE,  Richard  N. 

333  West  Side  Dr. 


Gaithersburg,  Md.  20760 

FRANKLIN,  Angela 
e/o  R.  E.  Franklin 
Box  277 
412  Carlyle  St. 
Payne,  Ohio  45880 

c/o  G.  Frederiksen 
8449  W.  Vassar  Dr. 
Lakewood,  Colo. 

FRYER,  Charia  K. 
e/o  A.  Fryer 
3128  Roosevelt  Rd. 
Kenosha,  Wise.  53140 

GALE,  Cindy  J. 
c/o  H.  P.  Gauthier 
P.  0.  Box  4 
Salisbury,  Md. 

GILLIAM,   Rebecca  A. 
c/o  W.  F.  Gilliann 
139  Hanover  Ave. 
Hampton,  Va.  23361 

GOODALE,  Sandra  E. 
e/o  G.  S.  Goodale 
3013  Melissa  Dr. 
Friendly,  Md.  20022 

GREEN,  Karen  K. 
c/o  P.  J.  Green 
2806  Highwood 
Dallas,  Texas 

GRIFFEY,  Madonna  L. 
c/o  R.  D.  Griffey 
4005  N.  Kitley 
Indianapolis,  Ind.  46226 

HALOPKA,  Dinah  L. 

e/o  R.  Halopka 

Rt.  1 

Stetsonville,  Wis  54480 

HAMMOND,  Barbara  J. 
e/o  R.  Hannmond 
Fedora,  S.D. 

HANCOCK,  Gaynelle  L. 
c/o  W.  Hancock 
230  Braxton  Ave. 
Salem,  Va. 

HEATH,  Cheryl  J. 
e/o  LTC  C.  V.  Heath 
605  Winfield 
San  Antonio,  Tex  70239 

HENDERSON,  Diane  0. 
e/o  C.  0.  Osterlund 
930  Belle  Vista 
Martinez,  Ca  94553 

HESSLING,  Vicky  E. 

c/o  Lester  Egdorf 

RR  1 

Glenwood,  Minn.  56334 

HULBERT,  Cathy  B. 
c/o  Dr.  L.   Hulbert 
1461    Pinewood  Ave. 
Anaheim,  Ca  92805 

HUNDLEY,  David  P. 
e/o  J.  Jupin 
13304  Ashlawn  Dr. 
Louisville,  Ky 

lANOVALE,  Margaret  T. 
e/o  J.  J.  lanovale 
6497  Morris  Park  Rd. 
Philadelphia,  Pa  19151 

JAEGER,  Dorothy  M. 
c/o  J.  J.  Jaeger 
24  Reddin  Rd. 
Charleston,  S.C.  29405 

JEFFERSON,  Janet  C. 
c/o  J.  D.  Jefferson 
616  Fairlie  Road 
Colonial  Heights,  Va 

JOHNSON,  Deborah  D. 

c/o  J.  Davidson 

Rt.  #1 

Stanton,  Neb  68779 

JOHNSON,  Ethelyn  D. 
c/o  R.  Johnson 
18401   Littlefield 
Detroit,  Mich. 

JOHNSON,  Wilma  C 
c/o  L.  S.  Clifford 


6691   Miller  St. 
Arvada,  Colo 

JOHNSTON,  Jo  Ellen 
c/o  W.  A.  Johnston 

I  Ross  Dr. 

Norman,  Oklahoma  73069 

JONES,  Deborah  C. 
c/o  W.  Jones 
7420  Brentwood  Dr. 
Stockton,  Calif 

KELLY,  Teresa  E. 
c/o  F.  H.  Kelly 

I I  52  W.  Copper 
Butte,  Mont.  59701 

KLEIN,  Pamela  J. 
c/o  D.  E.  Klein 
7020  Palmetto  St. 
Cincinnati,  Ohio  45227 

KOTARSKI,  Susan  K. 
c/o  G.  W.  Kotarski 
523  Diagonal  St. 
George,  Utah 

KUEHN,  Karen  A. 
c/o  C.  H.  Kuehn 
R.R.  2 
Marcus,  Iowa  51035 

KURDYS,  Louise  E. 
c/o  E.  Kurdys 
82  Gatchen  St. 
Buffalo,  N.Y. 

LAWING,  Janet  L. 
c/o  Col.  W.  S.  Lawing 
6212  Deveron  Dr. 
Charlotte,  N.C.  2821  1 

LLOYD,  Leslie  G. 

c/o  W.  E.  Greimann 

RR  #3 

Blue  Eath,  Minn.  56013 

LOBB,  Jesse  A. 
c/o  H.  J.  Lobb 
918  W.  32nd  Terr. 
Kansas  City,  Mo.  641  1 1 

LOVAAS,  Patricia  K. 
c/o  D.  Lovaas 
601   19th  Ave.  N. 
Fargo,  N.D. 

LOWRY,  Martha  H. 
c/o  M.  H.  Hesselman 
1 1  0  Northview  Terr. 
Greensburg,  Penn.  15601 

MALONE,  Maureen  M. 
c/o  E.  J.  Malone 
3392  W.  Tanforan 
Englewood,  Colo.  801 10 

MARCHANT,  Valerie  P. 
c/o  J.  E.  Marchant 
1  5  Columbia  St. 
Watertown,  Mass.  02172 

MARKS,  Theresa  M. 
c/o  E.  G.  Marks 
3016  N.  121st  St. 
Wauvatosa,  Wis.  53222 

MARX,  Linda  D. 
c/o  L.  G.  Marx 
1780  Dichter  Ct. 
Thornton,  Colo.  80229 

McCARTY,  Geraldine  J. 
c/o  F.  J.  McCarty 
R.R.   #1 
Sanborn,  Iowa  51248 

McGUANE,  Catherine  T. 
c/o  A.  J.  Tassone 
619  Bayne  St. 
McKeesport,  Pa. 

MEREDITH,  Mary  C. 
c/o  R.  A.  Meredith 
38988  Larkspur  St. 
Newark,  Calif 

MEYER,  Barbara  C. 
c/o  J.  R.  Cartwell 
Box  38 
Belmont,  West  Va. 

MORRELL,  Carol  E. 
c/o  E.  J.  Morrell 
19280  Warrington 
Detroit,  Mich. 

MORRISSEY,   Kim  0. 
c/o  I.  R.  Osman 
209  Comly  Rd. 
Apt.  31-K 
Lincoln  Park,  N.J. 

MOTTLEY,  Sarah  A. 
c/o  J.  D.  Mottley 

Rt.   1,  Box  107 
Marshall,  Va  22115 

MUSE,  Bonnie  Jo 
c/o  E.  C.  Muse 
1114  Coach  Rd. 
Homewood,  III. 

MUSSNUG,  Patricia  L. 
c/o  M.  S.  Mussnug 
1999  Elliott  Dr. 
Clearwater,  Fla 

NELSON,  Margaret  Ann 
c/o  A.  G.  Nelson 
537  Rockne  Ave. 
Massapequa  Pk,  N.Y.  1 1  762 

NELSON,  Patricia  D. 

c/o  G.  Nelson 

R  R     1 

Cecil,  Ohio  45821 

NILMAG,  Alison  N. 
c/o  S.  J.  Nakanishi 
4608  N.  Augusta 
Fresno,  Ca  93726 

O'CONNOR,  Ellen  M. 
c/o  W.  0.  O'Connor 
102  Manchester  Ct. 
Wayne,  N.J.  07470 

PEPIN,  Teresa  M. 
c/o  N.  Pepin 
420  Sec.  Ave.  No. 
Long  Prairie,  Mn.  56347 

PEREZ,  Sandra  0. 
c/o  M.  Otto 
6038  Green  Bay  Rd. 
Oshkosh,  Wise 

PICCIOLI,  Janice  M. 
c/o  A.  Piccioli 
Hennepin  St. 
Mark,  III  61340 

c/o  F.  V.  Pilkanis 
126  Oak  Ridge  Terr 
Lynnfield,  Mass  01940 

POPPAS,  Candace  S. 
LTC  (Ret)  G.  Poppas 
214  Sherwood  Dr. 
Dothan,  Ala 


PUTZ,  Barbara  A. 
c/o  C.  0.  Putz 
1784  Coolidge 
Saginaw,  Mich.  48603 

RANK,  Deborah  J. 
c/o  R.  L.  Normanly 
Crumb  Hill  Rd. 
East  Otto,  N.Y. 

RAPALAS,  Diane  K. 
c/o  A.  F.  Rapalas 
3042  W.  Cactus  Rd. 
Phoenix,  Ariz.  85029 

REAL!,  Dianne  S. 
c/o  D.  F.  Starkey 
400  N.  Main  St. 
Attica,  Ohio 

REED,  Catherine  0. 
c/o  D.  K.  Orr 
Rt.  /4,  Box  333 
De  Soto,  Mo  63020 

ROBINSON,  Marylou  V. 
c/o  W.  J.  Robinson 
11710  Pawnee  Dr.  S.W. 
Tacoma,  Wash 

ROGERS,  Susan  B. 
c/o  Bronson 
P.  0.  Box  3353 
Panama  City,  Fla.  32401 

ROOT,  Patricia  A. 

c/o  J.  Root 

11201   Cresent  Valley  Dr.  NW. 

Cng  Harbor,  Wa  98105 

ROWAN,  Belle  B. 
c/o  B.  Hopkins 
3531    Kings  Rd. 
Steger,  III. 

RUSSELL,  Colleen  L. 
c/o  H.  A.  Russell 
102  Chamberlain  Dr. 
Marieta,  Ohio  45750 

SASSAMAN,  Carol  A. 
c/o  T.  D.  Sassaman 
726  N.  LaCrosse  St. 
Allentown,  Penn  18103 

SHELTON,  Roslyn  L. 
Maj.  (Ret)  L.  C.  Shelton 

2035  Brent  Dr. 
Shreveport,  La 

SHREWSBURY,  Maureen  A. 
c/o  J.  B.  Shrewsbury 
636  Craig  Woods  Dr. 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

SIMMERMAN,  Ellen  A. 
c/o  J.  S.  Simmerman 
2917  Aurie  Ct. 
Decatur,  Ga  30034 

SKIDMORE,  Catherine  0. 
c/o  W.  E.  Ornstead 
24802  Marine  View  Dr. 
Zenith,  Wash. 

SMITH,  Kathleen  D. 
c/o  D.  B.  Smith 
3709  29th  St. 
Bremerton,  Wash 

SMITH,  Kathleen  N. 
c/o  G.  Smith 
7929  W.  80th  St. 
Playa  Del  Rey,  Ca  90291 

SMITH,  Patricia  R. 
c/o  D.  Varney 
P.O.  Box  226 
Honaunau,  Hawaii  96726 

SPRING,  William  B. 
c/o  W.  B.  Spring 
1006  East  Lawn  Ave. 
Urbana,  Ohio 

STEELE,  Nancy  E. 
c/o  0.  Steele 
705  W.  Park 
Butte,  Mont.  59701 

SWEENEY,  Patricia  A. 
c/o  R.  H.  Sweeney 
2953  Seminary  Dr. 
Greensburg,  Pa  1  5601 

THOMAS,  Ernestine 
c/o  T.  Jones 
1 1  205  Monticello  Ave. 
Silver  Springs,  Md. 

TRAYLOR,  Janet  L. 
c/o  M.  L.  Traylor 
1 1  6  Schilling 
Moses  Lake,  Va 

ULRICH,  Teresa  Ann 
LTC  (Ret)  C.  D.  Ulrich 
2238  Stratford  Lane 
Colorado,  Springs,  Colo  80909 

WARD,  Jeannette  M. 
c/o  0.  K.  Ward 
1  325  W.  Ironwood 
Phoenix,  Ariz.  85021 

WINK,  Paula  J. 
c/o  H.  P.  Wink 
5048  Trimble  Rd. 
Toledo,  Ohio  43613 

WOLFE,  Roberta  E. 
c/o  J.  C.  Wolfe 
614  Opal  St. 
Huntington,  Ind 

WOOD,  Susan  B. 
c/o  R.  P.  Benson 
11310  Stephen  La. 
Beltsville,  Md  20705 

WOODRUFF,  Bridget 
c/o  J.  Woodruff 
90  Burlingame 
Detroit,  Mich  48202 

WOXLAND,  Christy  M. 
c/o  S.  A.  Woxland 
Rushford,  Minn. 

YANK,  Christine  L. 
c/o  F.  A.  Yank 
672  N.  74th  St. 
Wauwatosa,  Wis  53213 

YEAGER,  Kay  H. 
c/o  H.  J.  Yeager 
Rt.  7,  Box  1  12 
Ft.  Collins,  Colo  80521 

YOUNG,  Susan  A. 
c/o  J.  P.  Adkins 
805  Park  St.,  Box  246 
Mountain  View,  Okia 

ZURAWSKI,  Barbara  A. 
CPT  E.  Zurawski 
319  Hayes  Cr. 
Ft.  Ord,  Calif. 



A  little  warmth  goes  a  long 

way  .  . 











a'  i 


r  -' 



We've  only  just  begun! 
Everytime  I  evaluate 
I  find  I'm  never  done  . 

Miss  Eunice  Capertor 


Learning  new  roles 

In  a  variety  of  settings 

Juniors  always  ask, 

"Are  you  sure  that's  what  we  should  be  getting?' 







Planning  for  Tomorrow 
Means  talking  things  over  today. 
Congratulations,  Juniors, 
You're  on  your  way. 



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Standing  in  lines 

Signing  papers 

Hurry  up  and  wait 

Shots,  Greetings,  Rules 

Mess  hall  stares 

Tours,  Assignments. 

Are  you  sure  you  know  what  you're  doing? 

You're  in  the  Army  now. 

Welcome  to  WRAIN 

All  right  women  —  shape  up 


Did  you  hear  that?! 

Below  the  knee  —  are  you  kidding? 

This  sure  beats  the  mess  hall. 


Where  do  we  go  now? 

Are  you  a  male  nurse? 

Are  these  sack  lunches? 

Who  said  registration  wasr 


So  these  are  the  future  Army  Nurses! 

Did  you  see  the  General? 




Practice  makes  perfect:  Janice  Piccioli,  Transportation  chmn.;  Geri  McCarty,  President;  Belle 
Rowan,  Secretary;  Keri  Klotzbuecher,  Nonninations  Committee  Chmn.;  Becky  Burchfield,  Trea- 
surer; "client"  Robin  Bechtel,  Historian.  Not  pictured:  Gretchen  Dickrell,  Vice  Pres.;  Anne 
Leisering  Project  Committee  Chmn. 

The  Student  Nurses'  Association  of  Maryland  functions 
to  introduce  students  to  the  responsibilities  of  nurses  as 
professionals,  within  the  community.  Emphasis  is  placed 
on  legislation  concerning  health  care,  nurse  practice 
legislation  and  current  issues  related  to  health  care.  By 
creating  an  awareness  of  these  issues  early,  SNAM 
members  hope  to  enhance  their  participation  in  the  delivery 
of  health  care,  and  the  profession  of  nursing. 

"How  should  I  know?" 
MAJ  Lila  Stevens,  Advisor 


Palm  Reading;  part  of  total  nursing  care? 

What  are  you  waiting  for,  the  Great  Pumpkin? 

I  thought  the  pyramids  were  in  Egypt. 



Winter  Christmas  Concert 

Major  Washington  gives  a  little  advice. 


All  I  Want  For  Christmas" 

A  little  louder  girls. 

'Carol  of  the  Mistletoe  Singers' 

I  Wonder  as  I  Wander' 

'Praises"  by  Paula  Butler 


'My  Favorite  Things' 

Many  enjoy  —    "An  Old-Fashioned  Christmas' 

Behind  the  scenes 

'Christ  Child,  Christ  Child' 


Are  we  ready  to  sing? 


D. C.S.N. A.  is  the  districts  division  of  the 
National  Student  Nurse's  Association,  made  up 
of  students  enrolled  in  schools  of  nursing  within 
the  boundaries  of  the  District  of  Columbia. 
DCSNA  attempts  to  promote  active  involvement 
with  the  concerns  facing  the  nursing  profession 
today.  It  addresses  itself  through  discussion  and 
activity  to  such  issues  as  the  changing  role  of 
nursing  in  the  health  care  system,  the  nurse  as 
collaborator  with  other  health  professionals,  and 
the  development  of  nursing  awareness  of  com- 
munity needs.  Such  attention  is  directed  toward 
the  personal  and  professional  growth  of  the 
student  with  an  increasing  awareness  and  ac- 
ceptance of  her  responsibility  to  herself,  her 
profession,  and  her  society. 



L.-R.  Carolyn  Sanger,  Social  Chairman;  Patricia  Root,  Senior  Senator;  Mary  Ann  Auerili, 
Secretary;  Jesse  Lobb,  Yearbook  Editor;  Bill  Spring,  President;  Sarah  Fearn,  Senior 
Class  President;  Susan  Young,  Chorus  Co-Chairman;  Kathy  France,  Treasurer;  Marylou 
Robinson,  Vice-President.  Not  pictured:  Jim  Parham,  Jr.  Class  President. 



Affiliative  —  A  letter  from  home 

Eliminative  —  Another  day  has  passed! 

Nutritive  input  at  the  good  ole  Mess  Hall 

Affiliative  —  Santa  Jim  and  the  kiddies. 


Restorative  —  Those  early  morning  classes 

Nutritive  —  Eating  with  the  ants 

Actuative  —  Counting  Calories 

Who  am  I? 
What  am  I? 




Affiliative  —  And  you  guys  work  with  all  these  women? 

Protective  —  A  volunteer  donation? 


Reproductive  Information 

Restorative  —  Getting  ready  for  anotller  rough  day. 

The  results  of  the  Reproductive  Subsystem  at  work. 

Actuative  —  If  I'm  OK,  then  you're  OK. 

Affiliative  —  Trick-or-Treat 













Beautiful  dames  at  the  50's  Dance 

A  little  group  therapy 

Who's  there? 


'Hello,  mother?' 



Sticking  up  for  the  Army 

Another  term  paper  —  due  tomorrow 



Getting  the  job  done. 


FLUTING  1974 

'If  everyone  lit  just  one  little  candle,  what  a  bright  world  this  would  be." 


"As  a  nurse,  I  pledge 

'Now,  this  is  how  its  done." 




February  23,  1974 


MAJ  Clara  L.  Adams 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Monico  Almachar 

MAJ  Betty  J.  Antilla 

1  LT  Rebecca  Azares 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Furman  S.  Baldwin 

1  LT  &  Mrs.  Robert  E.  Barnwell 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Kenneth  Behlen 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Robert  P.  Benson 

Mrs.  Ann  Berg 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Owen  A.  Berg 

1  LT  Susan  M.  Birkel 

COL.  &  Mrs.  Dean  G.  Boyle 

MAJ  Betty  Brice 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Raymond  Brosius 

Dr.  &  Mrs.  George  C.  Brown 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Marion  R.  Bryson 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Samuel  Burchfield 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  David  Burkhardt 

Mrs.  Florence  E.  Burns 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Roy  N.  Carlson 

1  LT  Cathleen  Carnahan 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  John  P.  Combs 

Dr.  &  Mrs.  Edward  W.  Deska 

MAJ  Kathleen  Devin 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Don  L.  Dover 

LTC  &  Mrs.  S.  A.  Fede 

Mr,  &  Mrs.  Charles  E.  George 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Charles  Gilbert  III 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  W.  F.  Gilliam,  Jr. 

Mrs.  Virginia  Guiteras 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Walter  Hancock 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  John  M.  Heifers 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Robert  A.  Hoffman 

Mr,  &  Mrs.  Gregory  Hopkins 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Joseph  J.  Jaeger 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Henry  T.  Jasper 

Mr.  Hubert  Jerde 

CPT  &  Mrs.  Wm.  A.  Johnston 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Wesley  J.  A.  Jones 

1LT  Jan  L.  Keller 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Albert  E.  Kirk 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  E.  E.  Klotzbuecher 

1  LT  Connie  Knudson 

LTC  &  Mrs.  C.  M.  Landis 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Howard  J.  Lobb 

CPT  &  Mrs.  Joseph  P.  Maloney 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Frank  McCarty 

Mrs.  Adelaide  D.  McGovern 

CPT  Elizabeth  McGowan 

Mrs.  Mary  C.  Meighen 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  J.  D.  Mottley,  Jr. 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Edward  C.  Muse 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Andre  T,  Norman 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Walter  O'Connor 

Mrs.  Ida  R.  Osman 

CPT  Linda  L.  Papa 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Norman  F^epin 

Arthur  Piccioli 

LTC  &  Mrs.  George  Poppas,  Jr. 

Mrs.  Mary  E.  Railey 

CPT  Janet  Rexrod 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Walter  J.  Robinson 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  James  W.  Root 

LTC  Miriam  G.  Rotschild 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  John  B.  Shrewsbury 

LTC  Norma  R.  Small 

Lois  Soderlund 

LTC  Eleanor  J.  Strayer 

LT  &  Mrs.  Ronald  K.  Stuckey 

Mr,  &  Mrs.  Robert  H.  Sweeney 

LTC  &  Mrs.  C.  D.  Ulrich 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Monroe  Velguth 

Mr,  &  Mrs.  0.  K.  Ward 

1  LT  Janet  Winckley 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Harold  P.  Wink 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Wilbur  L.  Woods 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Sydney  Woxland 

Mrs.  Margaret  Zdybek 


Mr.  &  Mrs.  Adam  C.  Ade 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  George  B.  Akers 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Robert  S.  Averell 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Robert  Baehr 

COL.  &  Mrs.  C.  F.  Baish,  Jr. 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Frank  J.  Bala 

LTC  Marian  C.  Barbieri 

COL.  &  Mrs.  Wm.  E.  Bartholdt 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Wm.  H.  Bernard 

LTC  Ellen  M.  Berg 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Raymond  Blaase 

Mrs.  Herta  M.  Clark 

Mr,  &  Mrs.  Alfred  L.  Conte 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  L.  A.  Dallenbach 

COL.  &  Mrs.  Clifford  Dorsey 

MAJ  F.  E.  Ferington 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Wm.  S.  Flanagan 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  William  Fletcher 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Charles  R.  France 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Bernhart  G.  Fred 

CRT  &  Mrs.  Gunnar  Frederiksen 

Dr.  &  Mrs.  John  E.  Goeckler 

LTC.  &  Mrs.  George  S.  Goodaie 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Ray  Halopka 

LTC  &  Mrs.  Charles  V.  Heath 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Martin  W.  Hesselman 

LTC  Ann  Hiers 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  George  W,  Hill,  Jr. 

Robert  H.  Hoisington 

1  LT  Carol  Holland 

Dr.  &  Mrs.  Lloyd  Hulbert 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Lewis  Humke 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Bruce  Jerney 

MAJ  Joyce  G.  Johnson 

LTC  &  Mrs.  John  H.  Karwoski 

Rose  Ann  (Blahusch)  Kassel 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Richard  D.  Key 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  John  F.  Kinder 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Harding  Kindrick 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Fred  T.  Kishaba 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Drew  Lansberry 

CPT  &  Mrs.  Paul  C.  Learmann 

1  LT  Jean  A.  Linton 

LTC  Betty  Jane  Lynch 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Leo  G.  Marx 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Wallace  McNeil 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Geo.  R.  Mettey 

COL.  &  Mrs.  Wm.  R.  Miller 

LTC.  Hannah  S.  Moynahan 

Mrs.  Elaine  Munoz 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Wm.  J.  Murison 

Marion  I.  Murphy 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  S.  J.  Nakanishi 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  William  J.  Norton  lU 

LTC  Joyce  J.  Nurse 

Mr,  &  Mrs.  John  O'Leary 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Willis  R.  Penn 

COL.  Drusilla  Poole 

Mr,  &  Mrs,  Clemens  0.  Putz 

Mr,  &  Mrs.  John  J.  Rendos 

1  LT  Robyn  Richardson 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Frank  Rincon 

1  LT  Carol  S.  Russell 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Michelle  A.  Schmidt 

CPT  Rosamond  Shepard 

CWO  &  Mrs.  John  E.  SnydeH^Sr.' 

MAJ  Lila  C.  Stevens 

1  LT  Barbara  Tallman 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  M,  L.  Traylor 

LTC,  &  Mrs,  Alfred  N.  Tucker 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Bobby  J.  Vandergriff 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Neil  Van  Tine 

COL.  &  Mrs.  George  A.  Westphal 

Mr.  &  Mrs,  Frank  Yank 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  Edward  Zurawski